Переменные для Properties:
Name | Description |
name | The title of the movie/tv-show. |
year | The year when movie/tv-show was made |
countries | The countries had involved with this movie/tv-show development |
genres | Genres of this movie/tv-show |
director | The name of the movie director. |
movieLength | The length of the movie in minutes |
posterUrl | Movie/tv-show poster image URL. |
alternativeName | The alternative name of the movie/tv-show |
description | Movie/tv-show description. |
kinopoiskUrl | The URL to movie/tv-show page on Kinopoisk |
seasonsCount | The count of seasons in tv-show |
seriesInSeasonCount | The average count of episodes in tv-show season |
seriesLength | The average length of the tv-show episode in minutes |
isComplete | Completed tv-show or not (Can be true or false) |
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